Thursday, March 24, 2016

Puppy Socialization

So you got your pups from a breeder, or you bred your own pups and now it's time to socialize them with the world. To put it simply, puppy socialization is getting your dog acquainted with the real world.

The main cause of instable temperament is from dogs that were not properly socialized as pups. Whether it lived it's life in a shelter, or locked in a cage in someone's house for most of it's life, this causes the dog to be more fearful of humans and pretty much everything in the environment. The dog grows up with its own unique view of the world; one that mostly focuses on lashing out in fear at anything and anyone.

There is no perfect blueprint to getting your American Bully pup socialized, but there's always something you can find right in your home or down the street your pup should be used to.

As soon as your pup has opened its eyes and starts walking around, usually around 8 weeks of age, you should start the socialization process. They're minds are immensely curious and, without the proper guidance of their owners, they may start making some bad judgements about their environment. There's little fear in pups (which is why it seems they do the dumbest things, haha), so this is the perfect opportunity to start teaching them.

You'll be socializing with your dogs for years to come, but during the early stages you'll find yourself spending a few hours a day getting your American Bully pup used to its environment. The few hours you spend now means less time you have to spend when your dog is older.

From 8 to 24 weeks get your pup as socialized as possible. After this time is when the dog looks at new experiences with fear than curiosity.

Always be near your dog during socialization. If you want it to get used to, say, cars. Don't tie it to your porch and expect it to be fine. Be there with your pup, petting it and telling it that things will be OK. It may not understand what you're saying, but your soothing voice will comfort it. Besides, you never know what strange things, or people, will come to your pup if you leave it alone.

Don't force your American Bully pup into situations it just doesn't feel comfortable with. Socialization should be a fun experience. As soon as your pup stops having fun, it sees different experiences in a negative view and may react negatively in the future.

The most important part of socialization is bonding with your pup. Make sure it always knows it can look up to you when in an unfamiliar situation. Teach it that using teeth is not always the answer to a problem. Teach it that the vacuum cleaner and bathtub are not as frightful as they seem.

Socialization should be a gradual process. Don't immediately start with a loud, screaming vacuum cleaner. Slowly introduce your American Bully pup to different situations. Instead of running the vacuum in your pup's face, start by just keeping it in the same room. Then vacuum a room behind closed doors. And just keep progressing from there.

Lastly, make a list of experiences your pup needs to be introduced to and what he has already faced. Just like you write and set goals for your breeding program, writing and setting goals for pups ensures your success!

Any questions shoot me at

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