Friday, March 25, 2016

Being A Successful Breeder

What makes a person successful? Not just with breeding American Bullies, but with anything in life? I would say...taking action! If you're not doing anything, what do you honestly expect to accomplish.

You can do positive thinking exercises. You can read this blog. You can attend dog shows. But if you're not taking action, you're not going to move forward whatsoever.

Don't worry. I used to be, and still kind of am, that kind of person. The person who spends more time reading about doing awesome stuff, and little time actually taking action. There's a lot to learn from reading books and blogs, it's why I spend a majority of my time doing it. But there's no better learning than hands-on experience. After making a bunch of mistakes and seeing a lot of success, then you can say you truly understand breeding.

Being a successful American Bully breeder means never going a day without taking a step closer to your goals. You realize that to live your dream of working with these dogs means constantly working towards goals. When you work for yourself, there's little room for a rest day.

Everybody is always looking for a "magic pill". I already know that there's some people on this blog looking for some super secret magic spell to become a world famous breeder. Here's the secret guys: if you focus every day towards your success, doing anything you need to to reach that goal, you will become successful!

You don't need to be smart to take action. You don't need some special talent at breeding the perfect American Bullies. You just need to DO. Wanna know why there's such a lack of successful people (and why there's a-holes taking advantage of these desperate people)?


This world waits for no one. If you want something, you have to work for it NOW! Unless you enjoy your brain constantly nagging you to buy that first pup and start your new career, stop waiting. When you read about something you're interested in doing, set down that book, or turn off the computer, and go do that thing. If you can't do that thing now, plan a way to do it soon. I waited way too long to start my American Bully breeding career; I don't want the same to happen to ya'll.

The more you wait on what you want, the more that goal starts to slowly disappear. The more chances negative thoughts have to invade your brain and tell you, "maybe this whole breeding thing isn't for me." You can have the greatest idea in the world, but if you don't act on it, why should anyone care? Companies like Windows and Tesla would never be famous if they merely stayed as ideas.

Once you start doing, trust me, it's hard to stop! First you find yourself with a couple of American Bully pups. Suddenly you're winning a Best in Show winning. Blink again and you find yourself selling a beautifully well-bred pup for $2000. You can't wait for inspiration to be successful like this. If you are, let this be your inspiration to get off your butt and go do something!

Any questions you have you can shoot me at

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